Civil and commercial affairs

Civil and commercial affairsCivil and commercial affairs
  1. This chapter dissertates in the following three aspects : The first aspect is the application of the jurisdiction theory of the traditional international civil and commercial affairs .


  2. With the increasement of communication of international civil and commercial affairs today , there are more and more questions on jurisdictional immunity of the state and property .


  3. The importance in ascertaining of the jurisdiction in cross-border insolvency is discussed firstly . The second aspect comes with the application of the jurisdiction theory of the traditional civil and commercial affairs in cross-border insolvency .


  4. Inappropriate rush registration of realm names directly disagrees with the principle of good faith and fair dealing in civil and commercial affairs , awaiting to be brought into standard of high ranking legislation at an early date .


  5. With the development of commodity economy and the specification of the division of labor in society , the action of civil suit and commercial affairs are relying on agents more and more . Foreign trade agency especially has the greatest esteem for its specialization , industrialization and independence .


  6. The establishment of the position of civil and commercial case-law concerning foreign affairs should be placed in our existing law frame , statute law should be the first source and case-law the second so that rigid rules are combined with judges ' free ruling .
